• +251 995 617 079
  • info@amaano.org
  • Ethiopia

Empowering Ethiopia's Future, One Child at a Time

Amaano by Take Care of Home - Fostering Education, Inspiring Generations with Ubuntu Spirit.

  • 313,265 USD

    Our investments so far and the ongoing expansion, come see what we've achieved!

  • +36 Class Rooms

    Built in Seven Schools to shape our kids future.

  • +35 Water Lines

    Clean Water Lines have been Installed.

Join Our Community

Our Mission is to Pioneer a Holistic and Comprehensive Approach to Quality Education for Children.

    Who We Are:

    Building the foundation for a lifetime of learning, positivity, and self-care.

    At Take Care of Home, we are not just builders; we are dream weavers, architects of hope, and champions of change. Since our humble inception in 2014, Our hearts have been devoted to transforming the landscape of education in Ethiopia. Rooted in the belief that every child, regardless of their circumstances, deserves a nurturing environment to learn and grow, we have been fervently building and renovating public schools with an unwavering commitment to creating opportunities and fostering equality. With a vision and commitment to broaden its impact … Continue Reading


    Learn More About Take Care of Home

    Our mission is to locate underfunded public schools in rural Ethiopia and build classrooms with the help & participation of its community members.​ Readmore

    Our Programs:

    Empowering Lives Through Education:
    Our Fight Against Poverty

    Early Childhood Education Learning Outcomes

    By providing supplementing early childhood education framework to the already existing Ethiopian curriculum and expanding...

    Expanding Public School Facilities

    Amaano by Take Care of Home is committed to transforming learning spaces by renovating and expanding public school...

    Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

    Access to clean water and sanitation facilities is essential for a healthy learning environment. We work towards providing schools with the necessary...

    Our Mission:

    Let's Inspire Together!

    Empowering Children with Quality Education - Our Mission is to Lead the Way with a Comprehensive and Holistic Education Approach!




    Communities Served


    Supported Homes


    Impacted Children


    Together We Can Make a Difference!

    Let's come together and use our combined power to create a lasting impact on our children's future. By uniting & inspiring transformative change, we can make a real difference. Join us on this important journey.

    Our Work:

    Creating a More Holistic
    Approach to Education!

    At Amaano by Take Care of Home, our mission is to pioneer a comprehensive and holistic approach to quality education for children. We firmly believe that a well-rounded educational experience is pivotal to shaping the future leaders of our nation. Through dedicated efforts, we aim to bridge the existing gaps in early childhood education learning outcomes, revitalize and expand the infrastructure of public schools, ensure access to clean water and sanitation facilities, and provide indispensable menstrual health and hygiene support for girls.


    Inspiring Words About Our Organization

    Koos Omar Ahmed

    Koos Omar Ahmed

    Wiil Waal Primary School
    Partners Committee Member

    The assistance provided by Take Care of Home was crucial for our school, addressing a pressing need that we, as the school committee, had extensively discussed but lacked the resources and capacity to resolve independently. Despite reaching out to other nonprofits and expressing our concerns, no tangible solutions were realized until Take Care of Home stepped in.

    Impacted Student

    Amaano Programs

    I usually walk 3 hours to go back home when I need to use the bathroom, but ever since the newly built bathrooms by Take Care of Home I no longer have to go back home.

    Impacted Student

    Impacted Student

    Amaano Programs

    I would like to thank Take Care of Home for building a separate bathroom for only us girls. Taking us girls into consideration was very nice of them.

    Success Story:

    Supporting Healthier Hygiene Habits for Disease Prevention

    Wiil Waal Primary School in Jigjiga City now boasts modern restroom facilities, thanks to Take Care of Home! With separate bathrooms for boys and girls, each equipped with four stalls, and a total of eight running water pipes per bathroom, we've significantly upgraded the school's sanitation infrastructure. Additionally, we've installed two washing stations at each bathroom, ensuring students have access to clean water year-round. While there's more to be done to address the school's full sanitation needs, our project has already made a remarkable difference. With the convenience of nearby bathrooms and running water, students no longer need to miss class or resort to using the bushes, promoting better hygiene and reducing the risk of diseases.




    Contact Us

    Let's Create Something Great Together!